You can create one project that includes points and a line representing a simple sensible heat process. Each project has its own set of points, process lines, and chart characteristics. The HVAC Psych Chart app allows you to create psychrometric projects. Will display all screenshots in landscape: The graph fits best in landscape orientation, so this tutorial You can use the app in either the landscape or portrait orientation. When you first open the app, the main psychrometric chart appears. Then email the graph and results to yourself or clients. Using your finger, you can easily plot HVAC and other psychrometric processes on the iPad screen while you are out in the field, save the graphs, and It is the first truly interactive graphical psychrometric chart for the iPad, and it includes both IP and SI units. This online help applies to all versions of the HVAC Psychrometric Chart iPad app including the ASHRAE- and Carmel-branded versions.